Shannon Shaw
Shannon Shaw, Acrylic, 30 x 40
I’m a big fan of Shannon and the Clams, I love this band for the attitude in Shannon’s voice.
I hit a wall early on with this painting. The colors wouldn’t match up. “She looks like a Simpson’s character” Cody told me. We critique each others work often, because we have our own expertise (he digital and me traditional) one’s point of view tends to push the other’s farther.
Each Age Finds its Own Technique
We’ve lived together for epochs: apartments big and small, across state lines, through jobs, undergrad to grad school, and the trade schools and community college courses in-between. Sometimes what keeps us attached is nothing more than a faint feeling.
Reccomensday: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
The internet has brought us “anything and everything all of the time” yet some of history’s greatest movies are absent from any streaming platform. “The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp” is rare in all ways. Its expansive, civilized- humorous and blustery at points, pensive and sad in others, but always dignified. Compared to even the best movies of today “Colonel Blimp” is deep in tone and subject- the pieces that make it up are not all aimed at one thing. It is a movie as excellent as it is historical (it was one of the first films shot entirely in Technicolor) and you can only find it in its physical form at a video store.
Reccomaturday: Dark/Light
Dark/Light is one of the most affecting songs written in the last 30 years, but I don’t know anyone who has ever heard it.
Thoughts on Sorrow
I am new to embracing sorrow as essential rather than trying to cure it.
Self Portrait at 31
I turn 31 today. This is the first self portrait i’ve done in over a year, since then my way of making has completely changed so i thought with this post i’d reflect a little.
Photographer - Berenice Abbott
“Does not the very word ‘creative’ mean to build, to initiate, to give out, to act - rather than to be acted upon, to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach, it sings a song of life - not death.”
-Berenice Abbott
Original available at
Portlanders: Slick Devious
He hands me a click pen, emblazoned on the side reads “Casual Anger”.
Frictionless Shopping
Frictionless. A state of mind we all dream of. Work where we don’t have to brush up against rugged discomfort- where everything goes our way. There are no bugs in the code. Spaces outside of the computer screen increasingly resemble the software engineer’s ideal work environment. It is no wonder the first of these appears as a black box, nestled at the base of another black box, in a nondescript part of town, where the buildings uses are mixed to brown.
My Life is Like Death - Defect Defect EP Review
“My Life… is Like… Death” – Defect Defect lurches into their disorderly and existential final act.